Partnerships with Tzu Chi Foundation




Tzu Chi Foundation

  • 人才培育計畫 (SDG4)
  1. 103學年(2014年)成立「生物醫學全英語學分學程碩/博士班」,招生重點拓展至全亞洲,包括印度、緬甸、越南、泰國、印尼,目前已有顯著成果。107學年度46名學生就讀。
  2. 依據學校相關科系專業領域,與慈濟基金會所屬志業簽訂人才培育養成計畫,提供實習學習,及未來就業的機會,學用合一與就業接軌。To assist the underprivileged students and help Tzu Chi affiliates to recruit needed professionals, Tzu Chi University has been working with Tzu Chi Foundation on numerous projects. Specifically, Tzu Chi affiliates provide internship training to Tzu Chi University students, as well as employment opportunities, thus students can focus on acquiring their professional skills, knowledge and workplace applications, while studying at Tzu Chi University.
  3. 慈濟志業人才培育獎學金:與慈濟志業產學合作,簽訂慈濟慈善事業基金會提供所屬教育志業體學生就學獎助辦法,培育本校醫學、護理學系的優秀人才,畢業後,由慈濟基金會審核推薦分發至醫療志業體服務。Each medical or nursing student who receives a Tzu Chi Scholarship will be assigned to work for a Tzu Chi medical affiliate, after graduation.
  4. 慈濟人文志業人才培育養成:與慈濟傳播人文志業基金會簽訂「慈濟傳播人文志業基金會人才培育養成契約書」,自102年起每年提供本校學生10名獎助培訓名額,並由慈濟大愛電視台部門導師及本校教師共同培訓。Since 2013, Tzu Chi’s Da Ai TV has been offering ten opportunities each year to Tzu Chi University students for them to experience operations at Da Ai TV firsthand. Students learn from Da Ai TV instructors and their faculty members.
  5. 慈善志業人才培育獎助:103年起社會工作學系與慈濟基金會慈善志業發展處簽訂「人才培育獎助計畫」,每年提供5名獎助名額,慈濟基金會並將安排專責督導陪伴,考核獎助生學習表現。Tzu Chi Charity Foundation has been offering opportunities to five social work students to learn at Tzu Chi assigned workplaces. Foundation staff accompany and guide students, evaluate their performances, and give them feedback.
  6. 慈濟基金會人才培育獎助:106年起兒童發展與家庭教育學系與慈濟基金會人力資源處簽訂「人才培育獎助計畫」,每年提供三名獎助名額,畢業後至慈濟基金會所屬幼兒園服務。另同樣自106年起醫學資訊學系與慈濟基金會資訊處簽訂「人才培育獎助計畫」,每年提供獎助名額,畢業後至慈濟基金會所屬單位服務。Tzu Chi Foundation provides Tzu Chi Scholarships to three students of the Department of Child Development and Family Studies each year, and they are required to work for a Tzu Chi Kindergarten, after graduation.
  • 慈濟海外志業人才培育(SDG4):
  1. Tzu Chi University also works with Tzu Chi Indonesia, Tzu Chi Thailand, and Tzu Chi South Africa, which provide Tzu Chi Scholarships to assist their local students to study at Tzu Chi University. These students are required to go back to their countries and help their Tzu Chi offices to serve needy people.
  2. 103學年與慈濟印尼分會簽訂人才培育合作備忘錄,每年提供至少5名獎助名額(103-109學年,合約屆滿,雙方可再協議延長),培養在校優秀學生於畢業之後至印尼慈濟志業體(慈濟印尼分會、大愛台、國際學校、醫院)服務。
  3. 104學年與慈濟泰國分會簽訂人才培育合作備忘錄,每年提供2名獎助名額,培養在校優秀學生於畢業之後至慈濟泰國分會服務。
  4. 105學年與慈濟馬來西亞分會簽訂人才培育合作備忘錄,獎助馬來西亞高中生前來慈大就讀。
  5. 慈濟馬來西亞分會在雪隆、檳城等地設有大愛幼兒園,為提升教師之專業能力,配合馬來西亞寒暑假期間,開設專班,由教育研究所與兒童發展與教育學系共同開課,培訓馬來西亞教育志業中高階人才。
  6. 慈濟基金會提供獎助學金,補助南非慈濟學校學生前來本校就讀。
  7. 慈大畢業生林琪蘿回南非母校分享。南非女孩林琪蘿,跟慈濟有很深淵源。從小受到慈濟助學,因為成績優異,被選為海外人才重點培育,來到台灣讀慈濟大學。2019年6月大學畢業了成為善種子,回到南非母校演講,學弟妹把她當模範。守護賴索托下一代 非洲女孩發揮所學回饋社會。愛滋病毒橫行賴索托,當地慈濟志工長期關懷,林琪蘿發揮在台灣慈大公衛系所學,到當地教導本土志工衛教防治知識,還用了香蕉分享性教育觀念。
  • 聯合國專案實習(SDG4):慈濟基金會獲得以觀察員的身分踏入聯合國的殿堂,是台灣首例。慈濟基金會每年遴選本校及慈濟科技大學2-3位學生前往紐約到聯合國專案實習。2019年本校2位學生通過遴選在2019年7月6日到8月31日到美國慈濟聯合國團隊實習,期間參加為期兩星期的聯合國高階政治論壇,在國際平臺上發表自己的看法及承擔一場慈濟交流餐會主持人。並參加聯邦緊急事務管理署合作日,在展覽現場與大眾分享大愛感恩科技如何應用在國際賑災上。並於8月26到28日參與第68屆的聯合國非政府組織會議,參加「Youth hub」青年人對氣候變遷所提出的具體建議。The U.N. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) granted Tzu Chi Foundation special consultative status as an observer. Tzu Chi Foundation selects two to three students each year to participate in an internship project at the United Nations. In 2019, two Tzu Chi University students were selected and they stayed at the UN from July 6 to August 31, 2019. They participated in the UN High-level Political Forum, which lasted for two weeks, expressed their views on a UN international platform, and hosted a Tzu Chi Exchange Banquet.
  • 環保:(SDG2、SDG11、SDG12、SDG13)
  1. 校園僅提供素食。2008年設立「綠色大學永續校園推動委員會」,擬訂「綠色大學白皮書」,推動綠色大學各項措施,勵行環保節能減碳、恢復地球環境,促進校園永續發展。Tzu Chi University’s faculty members, staff and students have been carrying out measures to love the Earth: In 2008, Tzu Chi University funded the “Steering Committee for a Sustainable Campus” and drafted the “White Paper for a Green University”, with an aim to implement various measures for a green university, such as environmental protection, energy conservation, and the reduction of carbon emissions, to maintain a sustainable campus.
  2. 慈大慈青社學生發起「食素列車」推廣素食活動「一個人一天至少一餐吃素食,大家一起愛地球。」人文處和慈濟基金會花蓮區人文推廣團隊每年共同舉辦「香積食堂健康素食淨斯創意料理品嚐會」,邀請同學們品嚐好吃簡單的自製蔬食。現場超過200位師長簽署「111世界蔬醒日」從10月31日至隔年1月11日,共募得9,033餐相當於減少6,865公斤碳排放。Students of the Tzu Chi Collegiate Association launched the “Vegetarian Train” to promote the vegetarian diet on Tzu Chi University campuses. In the minds of these students, eating at least one vegetarian meal a day would better protect the Earth. The Department of Humanistic Culture has sponsored “Enjoy Healthy and Delicious Vegetarian Food” every year, inviting students to taste delicious and simply-made vegetarian dishes. Students have consumed a total of 9,033 meals, which has reduced 6,865 kilograms of carbon emissions.
  3. 2009年5月簽署「塔樂禮宣言」,宣示本校為發展永續校園及環境保護工作盡責的決心,近年,努力成果績效,展現於2018年世界綠色大學排名第155名及榮獲行政院「107年(2018年)國家永續發展獎」。Tzu Chi University signed “The Talloires Declaration” in May 2009. The university committed itself to developing a sustainable campus and implementing environmental protection practices. In 2018, it ranked 155th in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings; moreover, it won the “2018 National Sustainable Development Award” of the Executive Yuan of Taiwan.
  4. 開設「環境教育學程」:整合通識教育及各系所環境教育相關課程,推動環境教育,提升學生環境永續之意識,並培育環境教育人員。
  5. 通識「永續生活設計」課程成果 同學自行打造未來永續家園。在大學專業課程學習的同時,如何找回自己生活主權,並從「整體生態系統的角度」看待人與環境的關係,從而重新設計自己的生活環境,正是「永續生活設計」通識課程的目的。課程中,主課邱奕儒老師都會帶學生到校外上課,讓學生實際看到樸門設計中的系統性設計與技術應用,如可食地景、食物森林、遮陽、微氣候、水平與垂直對流、雨水利用、中水回收、蚯蚓廚餘等。The Center for General Education offers the “Design for Sustainable Living” course, which enables students to build a sustainable house for themselves. Professor Yie-Ru Chiu conducts his classes outdoors, so that his students can experience Permaculture firsthand, which is a set of design principles centered on whole systems thinking, simulating, or directly utilizing the patterns and resilient features observed in natural ecosystems. Students learn about edible landscapes, food forests, shading, microclimates, horizontal and vertical convection, rainwater utilization, water recycling, the placement of earthworms into food wastes, etc.
  6. 於大愛樓一樓設置「環保永續教育展示區」。
  • 骨髓捐贈(SDG3):慈濟骨髓幹細胞中心設於本校11.28慈濟大學舉辦校慶活動,慈大學生在慶祝校慶時也用熱血救人,用生命禮讚來響應,慈濟大學慈青社與慈濟骨髓幹細胞中心合辦造血幹細胞捐贈驗血活動共151建檔,代表又多了138個配對重生的機會! http://btcscc.tzuchi.com
  • 國際賑災:(SDG11)
  1. 慈大舉辦印尼地震祈福會 印尼生感恩台灣師長的愛心和祝福20190928印尼地震引起海嘯,傷亡人數超過上千,慈濟大學2019/10/1為928印尼地震舉辦祈福會,現場還有許多印尼學生參加。來自印尼的洪彬彬同學表示,很擔心同胞的安全,海嘯發生時在海灘還有一些活動,這些人的生死未明,很感謝學校為他的國家和同胞舉辦的這場祈福會,希望集合大家的善念,將災害降到最低。On September 28, 2019, an earthquake occurred in Indonesia and caused a tsunami, which resulted in more than a thousand casualties. Tzu Chi University held a blessing ceremony for those affected by the earthquake. Many Indonesian students participated in the event, hoping that their blessings could minimize the effects caused by this disaster.
  2. 世界一家 慈大鼓勵學生打開視野援助非洲。2019年熱帶氣旋伊代兩度登陸非洲東岸,長達十多天的降雨釀成了洪災,對莫三比克、馬拉威及辛巴威部分地區造成嚴重打擊,包括淹水、土石流、道路中斷等,海陸空救災困難,至少造成了七百多人以上死亡,影響到三百多萬人的生活,預計死亡數字還會持續上升,南部非洲慈濟志工四國三地啟動援助工作,慈濟大學自3月25日開始發動校園募心募愛,也在課堂陸續舉辦「祈願援非善念匯聚」活動,期望災民受損的家園早日重建。In 2019, the catastrophic tropical Cyclone Idai struck the eastern African nations of Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar in March. Floodwaters and mudslides caused a humanitarian crisis of great proportions. As a result, more than 700 people lost their lives and millions became homeless. Since March 25, 2019, Tzu Chi University has asked its faculty members, staff and students for donations, and organized a large charity bazaar in April to support those affected of Cyclone Idai in Africa. Moreover, some faculty members held prayer sessions in their classes to express their best wishes for those affected.
  3. 許一個希望的未來 慈大慈青募愛送東非 。3月20日,伊代氣旋襲捲東非,大水淹沒幾十萬戶家庭。慈濟開啟專案,其中一項目是3千元台幣為一戶家庭提供一套種子農作包,種子農作包內容有:育種、建築材料、水桶等等,這些材料可以為一家六口為打造一個遮風避雨的屋簷。對大學生而言一套3000元的農作包有點多,但若能集結大家的愛心,就會成為東非災民支持的後盾。慈大慈青社同學穿梭在宿舍裡、教室裡、校園中,10多位慈青,短短一星期共募了292人,24套種子農作包。今天(28日)慈青社舉行「愛在非揚」感恩會,感謝所有師生的愛心。
  • 社區及國際志工:學生志願服務方案
  1. 慈大活動報導總覽:
  2. 慈濟年鑑慈濟大學107學年服務學習總覽
    1. 107學年度全校各單位共舉辦708場次服務學習活動、參與師生共11854人次、受益人次共42673人次。
  3. 慈濟大學服務學習組:107學年度服務學習團隊、活動名稱及協力單位如網址